Short Stories

"Darling Daughter" - Penumbra: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Criticism October 2024

"The Apartment Above the Cafe" - San Antonio Review April 2024

"Peace" (poem)- Avalon Literary Review Spring 2024 

"The Garden" - (Reprint) Dark Horses Magazine June 2023

"Life's Full of Surprises"-
Woman's Weekly (U.K.) May 16, 2023

"Worry Dolls" - Modern Magic
(anthology) by Knight Writing Press,
released November 29, 2022

"The Garden"-
Night Picnic Journal,
Volume 5, Issue 2
June 2022 (Story was nominated for a Pushcart Prize)

"Chocolate Chip Caper"
Mini Mysteries- Second Edition (anthology)
June 27, 2022

"A Furry Fix Up"-
Yours Magazine (U.K.) June 14, 2022

"Now or Never" (romance)
Woman's World Magazine
July 19, 2021

"Signs Point to Romance" (romance)
Woman's World Magazine 
November 2, 2020

"That's Amore"  (romance)
Woman's World Magazine 
June 8, 2020

"A Menacing Message" (mystery)
Woman's World Magazine 
April 20, 2020

"Chocolate Chip Caper"  (mystery)
Woman's World Magazine
September 16, 2019

"A Lucky Day"  (romance)
Woman's World Magazine 
August 19, 2019

"Heavy Hand of Winter" (poem)
Oakwood Magazine 2017